Hello there 👋🏻

My name is Sotiris Falieris and I am...

a Senior Android engineer

a freelancer

a Google fan boy

an idea generator

the guy for all your Android needs

someone that can kickstart your app development

Get in contact

About me

I'm Sotiris Falieris and I am your next Android guy.

My name is Sotiris and I am a Android software engineer that has been developing on the Android platform since 2010, with Android version 2.1 being the one I started with.

I am passionate about what I do and confident about what I can achieve. I enjoy writing clean and self-explanatory code with consistent structure and modern architecture.

I strive for results that are both seamless in functionality and pleasing to the eye and I always aim for creativity, productivity and efficiency.

Three words that describe me: Creative, positive, smiling.


Some of the companies I have worked with


Contact me

Have something to share with me? Is it an idea, a proposal or just a random thought? Feel free to reach out 😊